Mar 29, 2009

Result of SIS's examination in level "11a" (U1) From 5:30-7:00

According to the result that post on Sat. 28.03.09, Roza Norn is pass at No. 3 in Final Exam in Level 11a (U1), from 5:30-7:00. Moreover, all the student that pass must study in the new level "11b" (U2) in room B219. On the other hand, in that final exam have 2 students fail & 1 absant.

Here is the list!

  1. Nop Ponalen ( 79.5 )
  2. Rom Molyka ( 78 )
  3. Norn Sereyrith ( 77 )
  4. Boung Bunmean ( 76 )
  5. Khov Sengkong ( 68.5 )
  6. Meun Chanratha ( 68 )
  7. Ouch Kithya ( 64 )
  8. Sok Vannary ( 58 )
  9. Ngorn Chanputhida ( 58 )
  10. Sun Henglong ( 57.5 )
  11. Sokha Nirorn ( 57 )
  12. Ann Kunthea ( 56 )
  13. Chea Wuthy ( 52.5 )
  14. Vor Sreyleap ( 50.5 )
  15. Korng Channaro ( 50 )
  16. Meas Panhana ( 50 )
  17. Men Molika ( 50 )
  18. Sam Sophanna ( 50 )
  19. Seak Kimheang ( Fail )
  20. Hor Kimlong ( Fail )
  21. Chan Botum ( A )

Mar 23, 2009

[March 22.09] Roza @ his sister's birthday!!

[March 22.09] Roza & family celebrate "Pi ty sot mon"

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Before Khmer New Year coming, Roza's family always celebrate one event that we call " Pray Party" or " Pi ty sot mon". His family always celebrate this event because of the new year & want everythings that are good, happy.... There are 1 idea think that : want the bad things come out & this event or new year bring only the good things come in their house. On the other hand, this event seem like the traditional that his family can't stop to do.

Mar 21, 2009

Roza Norn attended in "Bun Pkar Reak Smey Samakey" @ BTHS

On Sat, 21, March, 09 is a day that Bak Touk High School celebrate " Bun Pkar Reak Smey Sam maky". BTHS always celebrate this event every year. This event can happen because of the students, teacher and a lot of sponsers. As the result, this event is helping a lot for school such as class, road, some old building, environment... Nowaday, some part of BTHS is full of the beautiful things and very interest to study or do anythings. And some part is not. However, they try to complete or develop this part to be very good too.

Activity of Roza Norn & His friends before New year coming!!


Mar 12, 2009

[Update] Plan for student in grade 10A1 @ BTHS !!

For make our Bak Touk High School to be Sweet Kids School (SKS)-Good environment if it's joined by student all together. So student in grade 10A1 group was prepare this plan happen for join to develop our high school to be (SKS)-Good environment.

Plan of student in grade 10A1 group have such as:

+ Student's obligation:
  • Obey the school's rule especially in study time.
  • must have the good uniform & good through the rule in the school.
  • must keep the supply in class like table, chair ...
  • must clean the class to be beautiful everyday.
  • must update the class by cleaning every 1 month.
  • must join to keep the clean for environment in the school all together
  • must water the flower in front of the class by cleaning schedule everytime.
  • must have friendship each other.

+ Point that student have to avoid:

  • throw rubbish incorrect place unless in class or in school.
  • make the floor is more ugly in class.
  • using phone in study time.
  • hit or ague each other & using the unsuitable words.

In my position that are Monitor & Submonitor also like all student in grade 10A1 would promise that will practise all these plan above for become a small piece to prepare & develop our Bak Touk High School to be " Sweet Kids School-Good Environment ".

Prel sor for preparing.

Mar 8, 2009

Roza Norn: The class monitors activity @ Bak Touk High School

On Fri 6th Mar 2009, Roza was joined with all class monitors in the both groups. This event started on 3pm-5pm. The things that they do is clean the messy place behind the grade 10 building. Moreover, it's also make the friendship of the class monitor in the both group is stronger than before. When they finished cleaning, they also taking some picture with the director too...

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